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Surplus Parts for Sale

  Help us clean out a variety of parts and free up space for new projects. Two categories of parts are available for sale:  

WEVO products & Windrush Evolutions Inc. parts will best be described as one of the following:
- NOS - new old stock WEVO parts
- Superseded WEVO parts
- Demonstrator WEVO parts
- Cosmetic marred WEVO parts
- Overstock WEVO parts
- New Porsche O.E. parts
- Strange old secret parts made for Windrush customers
- Surplus custom parts manufactures as spares for Project cars.



OTHER parts, these might be used Porsche O.E. parts, new or used aftermarket parts, one off custom parts etc. Generally parts that we accumulate in completing projects, parts that are used for design reference models, parts that become redundant when project specifications are changed.



**WEVO products, Windrush Evolutions Inc. parts, and used parts
owned by Windrush Evolutions Inc. will attract sales tax if sold in California.

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